Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sneakers With Good Lateral Support

Farewell, damn blogger!

AAA care: they can no longer change the layout and the difficulties in working on this blog, I try now to move to wordpress. The address, not surprisingly, is
Come to visit! You will also find all the posts here so far.
That said, these pages will no longer be updated - unless you change your mind - as of today December 29, 2007 ...

Free Templates To Make Baptisms


Pisa, October 2007.

How Do Retractable Pet Leashes Work

The 'other' grandmother (my "other" grandma)

Today ' my other grandmother, the father, has made one hundred years. Greetings!

L'immagine di Yubaba è © Studio Ghibli

Friday, December 28, 2007

Wet Look Hair Products

Devendra Banhart - A ribbon

I'd like to sing to you, if you'd like me too
I'd like to sing to you, if you'd like me too
I'd like to sing, sing, sing, sing, sing to you
I'd like to dance with you, if you'd like me too
I'd like to dance with you, if you'd like me too
I'd like to dance, dance, dance, dance, dance with you
I'd like to sleep with you, if you'd like me too
I'd like to sleep with you, if you'd like me too
I'd like to sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep with you
Ribbons around the fumes, we'll be sleeping soon
Ribbons around the fumes, we'll be sleeping soon

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tattoos For Prostate Cancer Survivir

extinct mammals of Sardinia (Extinct Mammals of Sardinia)

On his blog tetrapod Zoology, paleontologist Darren Naish said sardines of species of mammals, extinct sooner or later Older: in particular, some species of mustelids, including an otter ( Megalenhydris barbaricina ) of very considerable size (dwarfing the face!), and a canid ( Cynotherium sardous ) similar to modern hunting dogs, led to 'extinction by man probably about 8000 years ago. How would the owl , Darren Naish certainly tells it better than I could I never do.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Painting Of Conquistador By Barbara Weber

Word of the day in Turin

Sciuppéra (sh pp 'r ) interj. expression of disappointment, generally used as a comment following a loud noise or other disturbance.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Can I Paint My Trailer Cabnets

Dedicated (Dedicated to Torino)

Torino will always be in my heart. If you've ever seen, if you never spent a few days, you will never understand why.

Audiostrider 800 Distance

Devendra Banhart - Don 't Look Back in Anger Diet

I have not yet figured out if it is an interesting cover and the video is cute, or is a tremendous cover and the video makes no sense. But I like to post it because I love the style of Devendra Banhart and the video is at least innovative. And if not enough ... do not click play!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

How To Get Out From Debug Room In Golden Sun Vba


the exhibition " H2O = Life", dedicated to water, the shop 's American Museum of Natural History is selling a nice set of glasses, each of which has a label that shows ... nutritional values \u200b\u200band ingredients of the water!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Treatment Of Bleach Inhalation

Lemon cake (Lemon Cake)

'm back! To begin with, straight from work, a very simple recipe ...

1 and 3 whole eggs 3 / 4 cups sugar
3 and 5 / 8 cups flour 2 lemons

1 cup milk 1 cup oil 1 pinch of salt


Working up the eggs with the sugar, slowly add the remaining ingredients (including the peel lemon zest), bake at 350 ° F for about 50 minutes.

Ops ... I have not said here that the measures are taken in this way?! :-)

Postscript. ingredients in grams ... 3 eggs, 4 cups of sugar, 4 cups of flour, grated and squeezed 2 lemons, 1 cup milk, 1 cup vegetable oil, 1 pinch of salt, 1 packet of yeast. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Answers To Vocabulary Level B Unit 8

Even here (Even here) A mind

My pack of salt contains ingredients and nutritional values.
And now this baffles me.
But it baffles me even more to discover that the salt (salt simple, I mean) that I buy at the supermarket is not just salt: Salt
, silicon dioxide and tricalcium phosphate .

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Is My Cervix Lower Close To My Period?

2.0 (A Mind 2.0)

Read on site Republic : a study recently published in Science Psichological and reveals how our mind and the search engines' known to the world operate in a similar way, since through a component used by the search engine you can predict human performance.
Only a year ago, I found in a psychology course of action as, curiously since ancient theories of mind have found, and curiously always successfully, the similarities between it and the operation of the latest technology Time: catapults and levers for the ancient, steam engines in the nineteenth century, computers in our day and time the search engine.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Community Service Letter For College

Journey to the Center of the food (Journey to the Center of the food)

Thanks to Gianna and her blog Trashfood (always one of my favorites) I find this impressive photographic reportage on the food for sale on our (well, at least on mine) shelves: Mystery Meat macrophotography . Not recommended for the faint of stomach!

Photographs are © Mike Adams

Breathe Easy Tea Nursing

Buy this book (Buy this book) Too many ingredients

One of the weird guys that I'm lucky to work is Gary Sawyer, a laboratory technician in the pay packet, prepared scientist, writer capable man of spirit and great artist in life. Gary is a paleoanthropologist whose main job is to reconstruct the appearance of extinct species of hominids. It is the mind, and the arm, the most recent copies of the American Museum of Natural History and the implementer of the most fascinating and precise reconstructions of Neanderthal . I'm talking about a job that is neither purely technical or purely artistic or purely scientific, but a magical blend of the different parties, which so fascinates the scientist as artist, and as the profane.
spudoratissimo And after this eulogy, the Council for purchases: The last human
written by Gary Sawyer, Viktor Deak. A very interesting overview of the tree (bush, actually) evolution of man, complete with pictures and reconstructions that can give at least a vague idea of \u200b\u200bhow fascinating is the work of this man.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Why Is My Skin Green After A Shave

(Too many ingredients)

Wheat flour (enriched with niacin, iron, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), sugar, vegetable shortening (Partially hydrogenated soybean / cottonseed oils), chocolate chips (Contain sugar, chocolate, butter oil, dextrose, soy lecithin), high fructose corn syrup, salt, baking powder, soya lecithin , artificial flavor.
It would ... cookies that I bought ... I generally keep their distance, but for once I do exception!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Broil Strip Steak Loin

Leisure (Free time)

I always thought, and I think many others do, that life in New York is crazy, with a crowd that does nothing but run from one side of the city, as if you were late , as if he had so many ants in an anthill (one day I will have to talk about an interesting exception, by the frenzy of "ant "...).
Well, it does not.
Living in a city so damn big, in which almost certainly live many miles from work, and where you can not even think about going to work by car because the car is a distant dream (or a legalized theft, with arriving at the parking cost $ 10 per half hour plus taxes), live in a place like this, I said, is to have much, much free time.
Every morning I get up two hours before when I start working. I have breakfast, a shower, and go to the subway station. If you are lucky, the first line that allows me to get arriving directly from my Brooklyn apartment on the Upper West Side to the museum without changing line in just forty minutes.
Forty minutes in which: I have no commitment, are not required to move a finger, the phone is not receiving a signal, and the same goes for all the people around me. Two magnificent third time that I read, with the maximum possible relaxation, a good book, or I do much more than a few laughs with the latest issue of The Onion , look at the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty from window (my train runs parallel to the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge), I plan to calm my day if I have not yet done so. But if I have a change of trains during minutes of waiting can often enjoy good music of artists who ask a little money, often quality, and in any event enjoyable because you know that within a few minutes will not hear it anymore.
the evening, the same scene is repeated.
Who said that a big city involves a lot of stress?

How Much Cost Topsy Turvy Cake

New York, New York

Start spreading the news today
leave I want to be part of her
New York, New York.
These vagabond shoes are eager to roam
straight up to his true heart
New York, New York

want to wake up in a city that never sleeps
To discover the king of the hill At the top of the success

My bad mood from a small town are melting away I'll start from scratch

In old New York
If I do it there, I'll make it anywhere
's up to you, New York, New York!

New York, New York
want to wake up in a city that never sleeps To discover

king of the hill At the top of the cream of the cream
success, a number one ...

My discontent from a small town are melting away I'll start from scratch

In old New York If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere
's up to you, New York, New York!

I thought for the first time the true meaning of this song a few days before my departure. In a sense, like any good song, seems to speak to me.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tomos 2008 Racing Moped

My grandmother (2) [My grandma (2)]

My grandmother painted. His favorite subjects are the prickly pear, sea, and the creation of false Modigliani.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mechanic Apprentice How Many Hours

Fighting their anxieties (Fighting Against your anxiety)

Today, for the first time since I was in New York, I experienced a feeling of "danger." I was on the subway when I go to a station two men in traditional Arab clothes.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but at that moment, perhaps because the tiredness, the way they talked (quickly and with short sentences) put me in the head on the ridiculous (and racist, in the final analysis) worm that could be terrorists or something. Rationally I thought that a terrorist makes it difficult to recognize as such, and that I should be really unlucky to be on the train and the wagon that was avvendendo the massacre. On the other hand, felt a kind of sixth sense tell me that I had to get off the train before the busy (and, therefore, crucial from the perspective of a bomber) Union Square station, where I was heading.
However, the 'man of science, "and I do not think the sixth sense. Never. So, even with the palpitations, I was ordered not to go down if not in Union Square, because that was my destination.
And of course, nothing happened. This connects me
other incidents that have occurred to me recently, and more. For example, in recent months I have had several times the urge to buy tickets for the scratch-off win, gambling legalized in the Italian Republic, with the feeling that I won something, other times I wanted to play the Lotto numbers dreamed , again for an impalpable foreboding.
Each time, I should refuse to believe it, and will not play.
And frankly I think I have saved a lot 'of money. (Well, for Superenalotto am sure, given that the numbers have never come out!)

I decided to write this piece because I'm sick of how the world of information (at least the Italian one, not I know the others) fills us with myths about foreboding, mysterious coincidences, and other nonsense (like: a man who dies in an accident while going to work for the last day before retirement, and so on). A bit 'of rationality, please.

Inebrya Hair Products Online

Mattress Matters (The mattress has)

After 8 days in New York, I can finally get hold of a bed so I can go and live in the apartment that I'm already paying the rent.
... It's pretty embarrassing to say, but while living in Brooklyn (ie in a borough where people of various walks of life), I found the best deal ... in Manhattan.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Wedding Cake Made By Cheese

famous corners of New York (1) Did you

The Robinson family's house, 10 St. Luke's Place. The house is located in Greenwich Village, but the show's family lives in Brooklyn.
A curiosity for the Italians in the U.S. the show is called The Cosby Show, and the Robinson family is called ... Huxtable!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Humor Save The Date Wording

Want the bicycle? Now put your feet on Those Things That are at the two sides of the bicycle and move your feet Itself alternatively

bow tie You know the alphabet? IFIN QuFUeFElloFO cuFUiFI deFEviFI aFAggiFIuFUngeFEreFE uFUnaFA eFEffeFE AFA oFOgniFI siFIllaFAbaFA ... here, have a conversation in English for me is not very different: I can, but tiring three times and no doubt will not do it naturally.
The problem with having a conversation in English is not so much the fact of unable to say what you mean: it's more the fact of having to settle for turning around the concept and get lost in a paraphrase infinite, which makes you look like a guy and a bit bizarre 'instead of the stupid you'd look brilliant conversationalist in the eyes of stakeholders.
The Problem with Having a conversation in Inglese Is Not Exactly The Fact That You Can not Say Exactly What You Meant: Rather it's the fact That You Have to, er, You Just Have to make something like a peryphrase, do you say it this way? I do not know if you call it this way in Inglese, a very long peryphrase That Make You Seem to Weerd, er, a weird guy INSTEAD of, er, the smart person That the person who is talking to you Would Like To Have to talk with.

Zalman Cnps10x Extreme Vscooler Master V8

Who needs designers?

How can you resist? On the other hand we know that big, big, colorful and kitsch is better.
(I assure you that it is worth losing those few minutes behind the video!)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Gay Cruising In Orlando, Florida

Some personal information ... (Some personal information)

difficult to talk about me in this blog (unlike in life). But what happened to me recently, perhaps deserves a little 'attention.
For the past three days I live in New York. I came here for a number of conditions, some accidental, others are actively seeking. From Tuesday to begin work to ' American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) , the largest natural history museum in the world (so says my tour guide), as an intern in the section of anthropology.
short, a year in New York to work at the Museum of Natural History, with the precious company of monkey thinking ... experience should be exhilarating, exciting, and I know that many people would put the signature to be in my position at this time.
yet ... be ungrateful towards life, you just afraid of all this innovation will be the famous gift of awareness ... utter the word that most often two months now is "hope .
"hope" thing? If I think about it, I can not give a precise answer, we hope all goes well, but in what sense? We hope to be comfortable in this city? We hope to find a stable? We hope not to regret it? Hopefully later this year be able to find some opportunity in Italy? We hope to find a way to stay here even after finishing the internship?
... that's why I speak little of me in this blog.

---------------- Now playing: Rufus Wainwright - Across the universe
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, November 17, 2007

How To Remove Baby Snot

New York - First Impression (First Impressions)

Toilet paper is a single and the tear film is rectangular.
U.S. toilet paper: single-ply, rectangular-shaped sheets.