Thursday, December 6, 2007

Breathe Easy Tea Nursing

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One of the weird guys that I'm lucky to work is Gary Sawyer, a laboratory technician in the pay packet, prepared scientist, writer capable man of spirit and great artist in life. Gary is a paleoanthropologist whose main job is to reconstruct the appearance of extinct species of hominids. It is the mind, and the arm, the most recent copies of the American Museum of Natural History and the implementer of the most fascinating and precise reconstructions of Neanderthal . I'm talking about a job that is neither purely technical or purely artistic or purely scientific, but a magical blend of the different parties, which so fascinates the scientist as artist, and as the profane.
spudoratissimo And after this eulogy, the Council for purchases: The last human
written by Gary Sawyer, Viktor Deak. A very interesting overview of the tree (bush, actually) evolution of man, complete with pictures and reconstructions that can give at least a vague idea of \u200b\u200bhow fascinating is the work of this man.


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