Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Paint Colours With Walnut

Calabria liquorice

liquore di liquirizia di Calabria

The recognized beneficial properties,
known since antiquity, combined with
quality and the genuineness of
Calabria liquorice
make this liqueur Calabrian
an elixir to enjoy every moment of the day.

1 / 4 of liquor liquirize Annunziato German
3 / 4 of almond milk.
Shake well and strain into a flute.
can be served together with a blend of:
3 / 4 of cream
1 / 4 green mint syrup.
Shake it all and put it in a jug

Pineapple Licorice and yogurt
(for 5 persons)

A glass of liquor to the German Licorice, 1 pineapple, 200 grams . of butter, 300 gr. sugar, yogurt.

Melt the butter in a pan with sugar and caramelize everything. Cut the fresh pineapple chunks and put it on the resulting syrup. Bake for 10 minutes on low heat. A
cooked, pour the liqueur licorice. Place the pineapple in small bowls of salad with the sauce, sprinkle with low fat yoghurt or even liking yogurt with pineapple and serve.

Ananas alla Liquirizia e yogurt


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