Friday, July 4, 2008

How Long After Flying Could Dvt Start

Altan - Liqueur Citrus

For coffee lovers demanding its characteristic tone, amber is the unmistakable sign of a distillate wine expertly aged not less than three years in oak barrels. The incomparable taste of citrus fruit is a land of sun and generous but also wonderful ancient alchemy.

Appetizers for Great Deals

8 / 10 of Altana
2 / 10 lemon juice.
Shake ingredients in a shaker with some ice cubes and serve in a cocktail glass or in wine glasses previously cooled.

5 / 10 of Altana
5 / 10 Amaretto Strait (see).
directly Pour the ingredients into the tumbler add ice cubes

RISOTTO Shrimp and Altano

Ingredients for 5 persons:

1 cup Altano
1 / 2 kg of rice (for risotto)
1 / 2 kg of prawns
150 gr. butter
1 orange, 1 lemon, 1 tomato, onion, celery, carrot, parsley, salt

Cut Julienne the orange and lemon peel, remove a one of the citrus slices and put everything in a container of glass and ceramics (do not use metal), pour over the Altana and let marinate in refrigerator for at least an hour stirring occasionally.

Prepare a vegetable broth with 1.5 lt. water, tomatoes, onion, celery, carrot, some parsley and simmer for 45 minutes. Season with salt.

Melt in a pan 50 grams. of butter, add rice and toast lightly, then add a ladle at a time, all the vegetable broth, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until cooked almost complete.

chart using a sieve to divide the maceration of solids from the liquid, heating it in a saucepan, then, a moment before turning off the stove, pour in the rice along with citrus peels, shrimp shell and the remaining butter .

Mix well and serve hot.

KID scented ALTANA

Ingredients for 4:

1200 g. Kid, 1 cup of extra virgin olive sweet taste, a knob of butter, bay leaves, sage, 1 glass of Altana, 1 / 2 cup dry white wine, salt and ground black pepper to taste Place

The kid in pieces in a pot with oil,
butter, salt and ground black pepper, brown high heat for 20 minutes. During cooking, sprinkle with the wine that you will evaporate completely. Hours flavored with bay leaves, sage and Altana. Complete cooking over low heat, adding broth if necessary made with carrots, onion and celery. Serve with potatoes and vegetables as desired.


Ingredients for 4: 50 gr. of butter, 100 gr. sugar, 50 gr. orange and lemon peel, 1 glass of Altana.

Melt butter, add sugar and lemon peel and orange mix. Place crepes in a pan previously prepared watering them with a bit of Altana. Serve warm decorated with slices of orange and lemon.

variant with Nutella: Prepare the crepe with nutella, bending close to the triangle. Raise the heat and flame with Altana. Garnish with a few drops of cream.

Beer and Altan: the bottom of the glass beer put a lump of sugar, adding 1 / 10 Altan and fill with cold beer. Stir with a long-handled spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Gelato all'Altano ICE ALTANA
In a bowl put the mixed ice cream or fruit. Drowning with all of the Altar. Decorate as desired.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Cervix Sensitive To Touch

Recipe with Coffee Liqueur Liqueur Recipe with


Especially appreciated by women for the delicacy of its flavor and its aroma is a sweet liqueur distilled from a mixture of coffee of choice. It tasted good smooth and is excellent in desserts.

breast Ostrich in Black Coffee and chocolate

Ingredients for 5 persons:

3 / 4 of ostrich fillet, 200 gr. butter, 200 gr. dark chocolate, a glass of white coffee, salt and black pepper to taste.

brown slightly in a pan of sliced \u200b\u200bostrich fillet, pour over the butter, salt and blend it all with the liquor.
Melt the chocolate in the same sauce, a sprinkling of black pepper to taste and serve hot.

Coffee Liqueur

Born in 1908 a simple recipe in the formula but unique in its full-bodied taste of coffee, a liqueur that can be eaten since the morning. Well suited to water ice and favorite desserts.

Coffee drink 61

Half fill with ice cubes
an old fashioned glass.

2 / 4 of Cremabar
1 / 4 of White Coffee
1 / 4 of Altana.

milk to Cremabar

8 / 10 of fresh milk
2 / 10 of Cremabar.
Pour the milk and then the coffee liqueur for a good "cappuccino" fresh.

Ricotta Cremabar:

Place 100 grams of ricotta in a bowl, add two tablespoons of sugar and mix. Sprinkle to taste the coffee liqueur until a cream-colored uniform.

Serve decorated as desired.

ice cream Cremabar
In preparing a cup of ice cream mixed nuts, coffee, vanilla or cream. Sprinkle all with Cremabar. Decorate as desired with wafers.