Omini of snow as a placeholder
Omin segnaposto come di neve sulla tavola di Natale
Patata Piccole
Bocconcini mozzarella di Salmone
Pomodorini ciliegini
affumicato in fett
Funghi sott'olio
ripassati in padella Spinaci Insalata Russa
mozzarella con olio d'oliva extravergine
Prepare the potatoes.
steam the potatoes. Let them cool, peel and cut one end so you can rest on the plate. Dig it up carefully and gently helping with a boxcutter rather than with a teaspoon. Fill it with potato salad. There you can buy ready-made or you can prepare by following our recipe.
Prepare the spinach.
You can safely use frozen spinach. Put them in a nonstick pan still frozen with a few tablespoons of oil, a bit 'of sliced \u200b\u200bonion, some piece of sun dried tomatoes, olives and sliced. Adjust salt, add the white wine and cook until dry completely. When cooked, sprinkle the surface with grated mozzarella, cover with lid, turn off the burner and let it melt the mozzarella. Heat just before serving and place last time around your little man with snow.
Complete the little man.
Prepare an emulsion of oil and salt. Brush the surface of the potatoes. Stuck with a short stick and a mozzarella stuffed potato on the other end that you placed on a saucer. Dig
the tomatoes after they have been cut in half. Season the inside with a pinch of salt and a goccino oil. Will the caps of your snowmen. Cut some strips from
slices of salmon, and create scarves as you can see in the picture.
Some oil will be the button mushroom.
Place the dish directly on the plate. The spinach should be prepared just before serving.
As you can see in the picture you can write the guest's name on a card to put in a toothpick. You can also decorate the Christmas card by pasting an image.
We have not specified the doses of this recipe, for obvious reasons. It all depends on the number. Consider however that the potatoes must be small enough that two or three spoonfuls of potato salad and potato for every two cubes of spinach for the base around each snowman.
If you do not know how to use the dug potatoes, you can prepare the stuffing of potato salad instead of Russia. Just mash with a fork, season with salt and add it to tuna in oil, crumbled, mayonnaise and herbs. The recipe is equally good.
Another variant. Instead of using spinach that simulate the grass surrounded the little man with snow with potato salad, simulate snow.
see web site
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