- sandwiches of caviar appetizers
- sandwiches of caviar
Ingredients for 4:
- 100 grams of caviar - 100 g butter - 12 slices of sliced \u200b\u200bbread - 10 anchovy fillets - 1 teaspoon of vodka Smirnoff
the butter until creamy. Desalinated
the anchovies and mash to a pulp with the help of a mortar.
Add vodka, butter, drop by drop, then add the anchovies.
Toast the sliced \u200b\u200bbread in the oven for a few minutes, remove the dark edges and cut the bread in a triangle. Spread the sandwiches
obtained with whipped butter and placed in the middle of a pile of caviar.
Put the sandwiches on a platter and serve with a cold glass of vodka.
Cooking Time: 5 '
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